The HOA Trustees sent out this information in an email today: Good Afternoon All Homeowners, The Trimble Creek HOA 2025 proposed budget for 2025 is displayed below.  There will be no changes in the HOA fee for next year and the monthly fee will remain at $325.00 per month.  WeContinue Reading

Shrub Tag

Hello, We have started trimming for this fall.  One of our crews is planning on coming on Monday, 11/4/24 to trim the shrubs throughout the Trimble Creek Community.  We anticipate that it may take more than one day to complete the entire community.  A few things by way of reminder:  —Continue Reading

Today we are having Jason’s Property Services clean our windows, clean out our gutters and clean out our dryer vent.  If you are in need of any of these services I have listed his information below.  They may be able to fit you in after they complete our home.  HisContinue Reading

Some of the neighbors saw these roaming by our stream today. Nice surprise. We truly live in a lovely area. Thanks to Kathy Johnson for snapping this photo.Continue Reading

This from Cori Barnes: Sun 10/20/2024 9:54 AM Hello All Homeowners, I wanted to reach out to all of you and explain why we had problems with our power lines.  One of the main transformers sits on the corner by Arline’s home.  This is the last house on Avignon onContinue Reading

I’ve added a calendar to the website. Go here to see upcoming events having to do with the HOA, including when the gate will be left open during the holidays. Feel free to leave comments.Continue Reading


I’m redesigning the Renaissance at Trimble Creek HOA website. The previous site,, is going away. This is the new site. It will be ready soon. I’m transferring the data from the old website to this new one.Continue Reading