- Board Members
- Architectural Committee
- Nominating Committee (tbd)
- Board Meeting Information
- General Member Meetings
- By Laws and Articles of Incorporation
Board Members
The HOA has six officers/board members as defined in the By Laws: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and 3 Trustees. The President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary are each appointed by the trustees after the general members meeting each year. The voting members of the Board are the three trustees. The other members of the Board are appointed, non-voting members. One trustee is elected each year and serves for 3 years. Trustee 1 is the least recently elected. The term expiration year is listed after each trustee.
The current makeup of these officers are as follows:
President: <none currently>
Vice President: <not usually filled>
Treasurer: Mike Jones
Secretary: <none currently>
Trustee 1: Kristen Hughes (2025)
Trustee 2: Cori Barnes (2026)
Trustee 3: Glen Clayburn (2027)
The term of service for each trustee is three years. There is no term-limit for the trustees. They can be re-elected as many times as the owners decide to elect them.
Architectural Committee
The Architectural Committee will review all changes to the property. Research the CC&Rs for details on presenting changes to this committee.
Committee Members:
(To be enumerated)
Board Meeting Information
The board meetings usually occur once a month. The schedule for doing so depends on the schedule for the trustees. An email invitation is sent out at least 7 days prior to each meeting. Owners may attend each board meeting.
The following will be posted once the board approves them
Latest minutes:
<to be posted when received>
Latest budget:
Trimble-Creek-HOA-2025-Proposed-BudgetThe minutes for all Board meetings for the last three years are stored <link to come>.
General Member Meetings
The entire membership is invited to a Member Meeting, usually held at a specified location the first Tuesday of April each year.
Minutes of Member Meetings
The following are minutes from the meetings of the past three years.
April 2024
Annual-Board-Minutes-April-8-2024April 2023
Annual-Board-Minutes-April-10-2023April 2022
Annual-Board-Minutes-April-4-2022-ApprovedBy Laws and Articles of Incorporation
Here are the latest By Laws for the association. The By Laws can be changed by a simple majority vote of the trustees.