This page will include links to articles about the laws that govern HOA’s.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about HOAs from the State of Utah:


The State of Utah maintains a registry of all HOA’s in the State. You can search for Renaissance at Trimble Creek HOA on this page:

Utah State Homeowners Association Registry

On the State HOA Registry page it explains information about the registry and some general information for HOA members. It also has a link to the State Laws regulation HOAs. There are two basic statutes that governs HOAs.

The first is the Community Association Act (Section 57-8a).

The Trimble Creek HOA is registered as a Nonprofit Corporation. The second is the Non-Profit Corporation Act (Section 16-6a).

In particular, for individual homeowners, please pay attention to the “What are my rights as a Homeowner in an HOA or COA?”